Professional Financial Advice

News and Comment from
Millfield Osceola Financial Consultancy Limited

Providing expert business advice on many aspects of financial planning. These news articles are intended to bring a few key topical issues to your attention. If you would like to discuss any of them (or any other aspect of your financial planning) in more depth, please contact us.

Client Briefing June 2016

The social market foundation has uncovered some interesting social trends and published them in a report called 'Longer Lives, stronger Families'.

"Looking at challenges facing intergenerational families"

Client Briefing May 2016

Don't rely on auto enrolment and the state pension alone to provide a 'gold standard' retirement.

"How to save for a 'gold standard retirement'

Client Briefing March 2016

As the end of the tax year (April 5th) approaches, now might be a good time to take stock of your finances again and plan to maximise all your tax allowances before then.

"Are you maximising your tax breaks?"

Client Briefing February 2016

Private equity managers spend an inordinate amount of time in carefully selecting which businesses they will invest in and undertake detailed research and analysis before making their move.

"An effective way into private equity"

Client Briefing January 2016

Recent geo-political and horrendous terrorist events have focused the mind of asset managers to address just what effects such actions have on their investment portfolios

"Where do you invest in times of geo-political stress?"

Client Briefing December 2015

Here is some food for 25 years' time, nearly 10% of the UK's population will be over 80. However, whilst this particular demographic increases, the working age population will remain broadly similar to today

"Baby Boomers come of age"

Client Briefing November 2015

Many investors may feel somewhat battered by the gyrations of the equity markets over the past few months.

"Short-term pressure, long-term view"

Client Briefing October 2015

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the body responsible for policing the financial services industry (including the pension industry), has warned of some serious problems arising from the new changes to pension regulations

"Fundamental changes to pension regulations, is it a problem?"

Client Briefing September 2015

One of the main restrictions that the government swept away in the reforms was the requirement to purchase an annuity at retirement

"why it's too soon to mark the demise of the annuity"

Client Briefing August 2015

Western economies offer a range of opportunities for investment, from large and established companies to smaller, more innovative start-ups. For UK investors, these offer more than enough choice to make up a core portfolio.

"Backing opportunities in emerging markets"
